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Follow these steps: - Select "Accounts" in the bottom right corner of the screen - Select "Change Password" - Then you in turn enter the required information - Click "Save changes" to finish
Follow these steps: - Select "Accounts" in the bottom right corner of the screen - Select the "Pen" icon in the top right corner of the screen - Then the screen "Change account information" appears. You in turn enter the information to change - Click "Save changes" to finish
Follow these steps: - Open the main screen by clicking "Home"> Brands you have connected> Icon "History" in the categories section - Then the screen displays Your Order History, including the following features: + Search order history by Time and Order Source (you can adjust it yourself) + View a list of order history by status: Waiting for delivery, delivery, completed, canceled + View history details: Clicking on each order you can see detailed information including: Order number, Supplier, Order time, Total order value, Payment method. Store Information and Expected Delivery Time. Change history.
How to get bonuses from promotions